29-30 nov. 2021 Caen (France)

Abstracts > Mignot Ludovic

The Bottom-Up Position Tree Automaton and its Compact Version
Samira Attou  1  , Ludovic Mignot  2  , Djelloul Ziadi  2  
1 : Laboratoire dÍnformatique, de Traitement de lÍnformation et des Systèmes
Université de Rouen Normandie : EA4108
2 : Groupe de Recherche Rouennais en Informatique Fondamentale
Université de Rouen Normandie

Automata are recognizers used to represent infinite regular languages, or to solve the membership test, i.e. to verify whether a given word belongs to a language or not. Regular expressions are compact representations for these recognizers. The conversion of a given regular tree expression into a tree automaton has been widely studied. However, classical interpretations are based upon a Top-Down interpretation of tree automata. In this talk, we propose a new construction based on Glushkov's one using a Bottom-Up interpretation. One of the main goal of this technique is to recognize languages that cannot be performed with classical Top-Down approaches. Furthermore, we exhibit a method to factorize transitions of tree automata and show that this technique is particularly interesting for the Glushkov constructions, by considering natural factorizations due to the structure of regular expression.

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